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After photo for this patient were taken 6 months postoperatively.
3 years between operation and 'after' photo
This patient is 31 years old. After photos for this patient were taken 4 weeks postoperatively.
One year between operation and 'after' photo
This patient is 42 years old. After photos for this patient were taken 2 months postoperatively.
Street, Architecture, Urban Scene, Italy, Europe, Building Exterior, City, Town, Built Structure, Ho
Vilnius, Lithuania, Piles st. before and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Solar Panel, Solar Power Station, Technology, Electricity, Environment, Fuel and Power Generation, N
Klaipeda before and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Black And White, Railroad Track, Train, Transportation, Urban Scene, England, Building Exterior, Bui
Klaipeda in 1930 yr. and today. Taken from zuz.lt
People, Black And White, Urban Scene, Outdoors, Street, Famous Place, England, Travel, Architecture,
Klaipeda in 1924 yr. and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Black And White, Urban Scene, People, Street, Building Exterior, Car, Editorial, Concepts And Ideas,
Klaipeda in 1938 yr. and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Visual Art, Black And White, People, Arts And Entertainment, Time, Concepts And Ideas, Urban Scene,
Siauliai, Lithuania in 1944 yr. and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Black And White, Architecture, Italy, Europe, Old, History, Building Exterior, Urban Scene, Built St
Vilnius, Lithuania in 1917 yr and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Architecture, Urban Scene, Street, House, Building Exterior, Europe, City, Town, Built Structure, Ou
Klaipeda in 1981 yr. and today. Taken from zuz.lt
Black And White, Urban Scene, Old, Architecture, Building Exterior, Visual Art, Architecture And Bui
Klaipeda, Tiltu st. in 1920 yr. and today
River, Architecture, Old, Black And White, History, Water, Built Structure, Building Exterior, House
Klaipėda in 1910 yr. and today