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Waco, Texas
When the West Fertilizer Company's factory, located north of Waco, Texas, exploded April 17, the devastating results were evident from above....
Seaside Heights, N.J.
Seaside Heights, N.J.'s boardwalk amusement park was leveled during October 2012's Hurricane Sandy. Missing from the after photo are the...
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
According to the government of Haiti, some 250,000 homes were destroyed by the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake. Many of those left homeless by...
Pentagon City, Va.
These before-and-after aerial views of the Pentagon following the Sept. 11, 2001 show the damage to the U.S. government building after a...
New Orleans, La.
The deadliest and most destructive storm in U.S. history, Hurricane Katrina changed the city of New Orleans forever when it bombarded the...
Joplin, Mo.
The tragic May 22, 2011 tornado, which tore through Joplin, Mo., left its mark on the city's residential neighborhoods. This Google Earth imagery,...
Lower Manhattan
These before-and-after images show Ground Zero before and after Sept. 11, 2001. Though the older image is obscured by shadows, it's clear just...
Las Vegas, Nev.
In some of the oldest satellite imagery available in Google Earth, Las Vegas's wild growth is clear. The older image, from 1950, shows no...
Joplin, Mo.
The tragic May 22, 2011 tornado, which tore through Joplin, Mo., left its mark on the city's residential neighborhoods. This Google Earth imagery,...
Minamisanriku, Japan
These Google Earth images from before and after the horrific Japan earthquake on March 11, 2011 show the damage on the town of...
Dubai, UAE
The growth of Emirates boomtown Dubai isn't just visible in its skyscrapers -- it's apparent through its entire coastline. Though most famous for...