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До и после - Архитектура ( История )

Circa 1952 & now. Mystic Theatre, Petaluma, California. Built in 1911 by the McNear family for live Vaudeville entertainment, the Mystic Theatre was renovated in 1992 to host live music performances for up to 500 people. The theater has been closed for a while due to Covid, but @mcnearspetaluma is open and has excellent food and drinks. @usa_then.and.now #thenandnow #history #historynerd #historybuff #petaluma #petalumahistory #mystictheater #california #californiahistory #sonoma #cinematreasures #vintage #1950s #livemusic #music #1950 #cali #californiadreaming #petalumacalifornia #petalumalocal #historia #historyisntboring #throwback #signage #signagedesign #northerncalifornia #theater #oldtheater #travel #travelgram